Monday 27 July 2009

Looking for friend, must have time on there hands

Why does no one ever want to do anything? I'm serious. I cant think of the last time I received a text or a message inviting me to do something. I'm always the asker never the askee. I even invite myself out in town, its just generally assumed I'm going to be there. The last time I truly remember being asked if I wanted to do anything is by Glynn, after a prolonged exile due to the fuck up of a holiday. And yes, I did accept because I can't dispose of friends because I have too much time on my hands and I don't like asking the same person over and over again if they want to do something. Plus there are certain things I can do with one friend that I can't do with another. Jack, for instance, is the only friend I play tennis with because; a) he has a court in his back garden, b) he's free during the week in which to play and finally c) he wants to play and is at the same skill level as me. Glynn is the one I play games with FIFA, pool, Wii bowling, whatever. If it wasn't for the loud music in Riley's I'd probably have a good old chat with him, whilst I beat him at pool, too.

Is it me? Is it karma for all the times when I was a child I decided not to go to a friends house simply because I couldn't be arsed? Looking back I feel guilty about those times and at the time I didn't envision a time when I wouldn't have something to do with someone. But now I'm stuck for ideas whenever a dreary Sunday rolls along and my hangover isn't inhibiting me to stay in bed. I think even now I'd still make the effort just to earn points for turning up and hopefully making a good enough impression to compel them to want to do something with me again. But even with a full tank of petrol I don't know what to do. Do something outside? No, its raining. No one will want to do that. Go to the cinema? I've been like 5 times this week, I think they're starting to recognise me, besides need to save money. TV it is then, another Sunday spent on the sofa, flicking through sky trying to find something acceptable to watch for at least half an hour. Maybe I could invite someone round, watch a movie. Can't ask a girl, none of them know me well enough to come around. But again my friends seem to be absent on Sundays; work, hungover, holes to poke.

A friend of mine once complained that, "our friends are shit, they'd never do anything like that." When we were on the subject of Jazz, Andy and Murgy's trip to Cornwall. I just can't help but think, "why does it have to be someone else who has to suggest it?" This in all fairness is a moot point as previously stated by her "our friends are shit." Another gem of hers was "Handicapped people are way more fun than so called cool people." She then began to recant a tale in which they rolled down a hill on wheelchairs while drunk and fell off. But surely anybody drunk and with access to a wheelchair and a hill would do such a thing. Doesn't even need to be a wheelchair or a hill. Give me a fire extinguisher and a computer chair, I'll propel myself.
But in all fairness are friends are shit and have no sense of adventure. A plan of mine was going to LONDON for a POUND (bargain), going out, getting drunk and then wandering round LONDON, hungover or otherwise, perusing the shops until about one in the afternoon and the returning back for a POUND. Sleep when you get back, simple. But I couldn't see any of my friends doing this but if someone told me about the time they went to London and back for TWO POUND, had a great time, possibly got into some sort of hijinks's, i would be in awe of that person, jealousy would coarse through me, that they and their friends have achieved this while I was there sat on the sofa flicking through Sky.

So this week I'll make plans: tennis with Jack, hopefully Riley's with Glynn (more than likely to be rejected in place of FIFA though), see Mark tomorrow, possibly something with Ceri (from now on is going to be referred to as Cezza because I can do nicknames too) don't know what yet, then at sometime, going out somewhere good, with someone good, doing something good and having a story to tell. Who, where, when and what have yet to be decided all I know is why.

1 comment:

  1. Thats pretty much my life right there.

    Lets go to London for £2.
