Sunday 17 January 2010

Four movies, One night

Sleeping all day and being up all night can be a bad thing. In this case it was and it wasn't. Like most things it had it's negatives; missing Ship Stability, missing breakfast, dinner and tea, having to survive on Wotsits and Irn Bru (its a wonder i didn't turn orange, save the grace of milk), not seeing my friends and also it was a Friday but i spent it in my room. The positives; a lot of quiet time and a chance to catch up on things. Sounds like a bit of a unfair fight with an abundance of missed things, right? But Ship Stab. is an arduous and irrelevant course with a teacher with no real authority so the lesson is spent catching up with distant friends, seeing how they are doing and whether or not i can see there new digs and mostly texting girls, which i like, a lot. Funnily enough i can't figure out English girls, most it appears, seem not to be interested in me and seem an enigma to me, one right turn, is wrong. But those who aren't of the English persuasion however seem to like me and i like them for it.
Anyways where was I? I tend to lose track in these. Especially when it comes to girls and sure I could ramble non stop about girls the unattainable, inaccessible curvy and beautiful objects that they are.
Yeah, staying up all night. Well, this night I spent it watching movies, certain types of movies. No, not those. Sports movies, especially those pertaining to the "These events are based on a true story" genre. I watched Remember The Titans, Invincible, The Rookie and The Sandlot (Not a real story but it takes me back to my childhood and a good and distant friend in Mark Smith). These stories always bring a smile to my face because they are real and, sure, you know whats going to happen, protaganist wins and he gets the girl (once again barring sandlot), but its real and someone lived through these events. It's that which makes me smile. That dream one person had, where no one believed him and in two of those cases not even the "hero" did. But they overcame obstacles (age, racism, big dogs) and people trying to get them down. It's the million to one shots that make me smile, even if they don't work out, you've got to smile at those people and say they tried their hardest and that deserve respect. Well, mine anyway. So it's these that give me renewed confidence and vigour.
Tonights a similar thing, another all nighter as it's 4:19 and theres no point sleeping now. But college tomorrow and so ill stay up until at least 5 in the afternoon.